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CBS’s King Tells Fauci She’s Banning Unvaccinated Family Members from Thanksgiving — ‘That’s How Strongly I’m Taking What You’re Saying’

Monday, CBS “This Morning” host Gayle King revealed her Thanksgiving festivities this year will go on without members of her family who are yet to get the coronavirus vaccine.

King told National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was discussing the importance of the White House’s door-to-door push to encourage people to get the vaccine to fend off the Delta variant, that she has members of her own family who are reluctant to get the vaccine.

“When you get down to now a core, lesser group, you’ve got to go one on one, and that’s really what the president was talking about — about trying to get some of these advisers, not federal officials but community people, to go out there and try and convince people why it’s so important for their own health, for that of their family, and for that of the community to go out and get vaccinated. We really need to get more people vaccinated because that’s the solution,” Fauci advised. “This virus will, in fact, be protected against by the vaccine.”

“Dr. Fauci, I don’t know many more times you can say to people, ‘Listen, it will save your life.’ I have this problem with some members of my own family, which I’m now going to ban for Thanksgiving vacation,” King replied. “That’s how strongly I’m taking what you’re saying.”

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent


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