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Report: 30 Percent of Illegal Immigrants in Border Facilities Refused COVID Vaccine; COVID Cases Surging in Detention Centers as Illegal Immigrants Flood In; COVID-19 Found in the Bodies of Migrants Recovered at Southern Border

30 percent of illegal immigrants in border facilities refused COVID vaccine: report

Roughly 30 percent of illegal immigrants housed in federal detention centers at the border have refused the coronavirus vaccine, according to a report Thursday.

There have been nine COVID deaths and 20,000 coronavirus cases among those detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Axios reported, citing numbers from the agency.

ICE did not provide the exact number of illegal immigrants turning down a shot, but the 30 percent figure has been shared internally, the report said.

Illegal immigrants have been refusing the vaccine for the same reasons that many Americans have — because they’re skeptical that it is safe, the report said. —>READ MORE HERE

COVID Cases Surging in Detention Centers as Illegal Immigrants Flood In:

The number of COVID-19 cases has spiked in illegal immigrant detention centers, according to new information from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The data, first cited by The New York Times on Tuesday, revealed more than 7,500 coronavirus cases have been reported since April. During the same time, the number of people held rose from 14,000 to more than 26,000, according to the report.

According to the data, the number of positive cases since April account “for more than 40 percent of all cases reported in ICE facilities since the pandemic began, according to a New York Times analysis of ICE data.”

Part of the new surge is related to increased testing. “Paige Hughes, an ICE spokeswoman, said that all new detainees were tested for the coronavirus and are held in quarantine for 14 days on arrival,” according to the report.

In addition, a very low percentage of illegal immigrants enter the country already vaccinated. —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++COVID-19 found in the bodies of migrants recovered at southern border+++++

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The Very Different Ways Vaccine Rejections by Illegal Aliens, Black People, and Republicans are Treated

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