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Is The Biden Administration About To Make The Border Crisis Worse? Abbott: Ending Title 42 Will Be a Healthcare and Humanitarian ‘Disaster’, and related stories

Is The Biden Administration About To Make The Border Crisis Worse?

Facing an ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Biden administration is on the verge of making a very bad situation worse.

Travel restrictions that have been in place since the onset of the pandemic are set to expire next week. If they do, it means U.S. borders will open up to nonessential travel, reviving cross-border traffic at U.S. ports of entry along the southwest border.

In normal times, that would be a good thing. The economies of border communities that depend on cross-border travel and commerce, especially those in Texas, have suffered greatly as a result of these travel restrictions. But these are not normal times, and opening the border now, amid near-record levels of illegal immigration, could be a recipe for disaster.

Simply put, the federal agencies charged with policing the border are overwhelmed, and have been for months. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which manages the ports of entry and is charged with processing and transporting anyone caught crossing the border illegally, has had to divert its attention from the ports of entry to help deal with soaring numbers of families and unaccompanied children apprehended by Border Patrol and placed in CBP custody. —>READ MORE HERE

Abbott: Ending Title 42 Will Be a Healthcare and Humanitarian ‘Disaster’:

On Friday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) stated that if Title 42 is rescinded, “It’s going to be a healthcare disaster, as well as a humanitarian disaster.”

Co-host Bill Hemmer asked, “If you change Title 42, how does that affect how you control the border?”

Abbott responded, “This is going to be a total disaster. It’s going to be a healthcare disaster, as well as a humanitarian disaster. But also, Bill, it underscores one very important point that your audience, as well as all Americans need to understand, and that is, President Biden doesn’t really care about the people in Texas or the citizens of the United States of America. President Biden is catering to people who are coming from the 150 countries across the globe. He cares more about people who are outside America than those who are inside America. —>WATCH The interview HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Trump-era DHS officials warn of ‘catastrophic’ results if Biden administration ends Title 42 border expulsions

Sen. Cruz seeks to maintain Title 42 border expulsions through bill

Arizona AG Brnovich urges Biden to reverse reported Title 42 repeal after border numbers rise again

White House eyes ending migrant family expulsion by July 31

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