CNN’s Lemon: Unvaccinated Should Not Be Allowed in Supermarkets, Ball Games, Work
CNN anchor Don Lemon on his Monday broadcast of “Don Lemon Tonight” called on the unvaccinated to be banned from grocery stores, ball games, and offices.
Lemon said, “I’m sure a lot of people won’t agree with this but don’t get the vaccine. You can’t go to the supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine, can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have a vaccine, can’t go to work. You don’t have a vaccine, can’t come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service. I think that’s where we should be because we can’t to waste our breath on people that are just not going to change. You know, the logic they keep going back and saying, well, it’s my freedom or whatever. I’m free. Your kid is not free to give other kids meningitis in schools. Got to take a vaccine to do that. You got to take a vaccine to be employed. So what is the big deal? All these people are saying I don’t want to put this stuff in my body and out drinking on the weekend and putting other substances in their bodies way worse than a vaccine. Come on, let be real.”
Anchor Chris Cuomo said, “There are people who have health exceptions. I think they’re the very pronounced minority. This is about something else, something just as toxic as the virus. My hope is that people on the right and Trumpers changing their tune, whether it’s Steve Scalise or Sean Hannity or these other guys starting to get more quiet about it, that that may make a difference. They’re aware they don’t want to wind up like Trump, where you misplay a pandemic, it’s demonstrably false, and you lose. They don’t want the midterms to look like this election did for Trump, and you’re seeing the narrative shift. Hopefully, it makes a difference because this is a situation it can’t be left and right.”
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