Jesus' Coming Back

NEWS FROM DEM RUN CITIES: “It Looks Like A Bazaar In Istanbul”: Without Police On The Street, Illegal Vendors And Gamblers Are Taking Over The Bronx; BLUE CITY CRIME WATCH: Video Captures Shooting of One-Year-Old Girl in Mother’s Arms, and related stories

“It Looks Like A Bazaar In Istanbul”: Without Police On The Street, Illegal Vendors And Gamblers Are Taking Over The Bronx:

We’ll ask the same thing we asked days ago when it was reported that a man was shot at point blank range in Brooklyn: has Eric Adams been sworn in yet?

Because once again the lack of police on the streets is turning into a problem – this time in the Bronx, where illegal street vendors and gamblers “have taken over a commercial strip,” according to the New York Post. The takeover is a result of new city laws that make it impossible for the NYPD to confiscate goods or even demand ID from street vendors.

The new law went into effect in May 2021 and moved enforcement away from NYPD and to the city’s Department of Consumer Affairs and Worker Protection. Someone from the agency told the Post the law doesn’t even go into effect until September.

Marko Majic, head of business development for City Jeans on East Fordham Road, told the New York Post: “It looks like a bazaar in Istanbul. The only difference is in Istanbul it’s legal and organized and here it is illegal and unorganized.” —>READ MORE HERE

BLUE CITY CRIME WATCH: Video Captures Shooting of One-Year-Old Girl in Mother’s Arms:

Philadelphia is seeing a shocking increase in the number of shootings in recent weeks. According to authorities, there were 40 shootings just last weekend.

One of those shootings occurred at a deli where assailants in a white Jeep drove by and opened fire trying to take out a 26-year-old man.

With bullets flying all over the store, a one-year-old little girl cradled in her mother’s arms was shot in the leg. The video was obtained by ABC affiliate WPVI-TV.

“This goes to show that there are a lot of guns on the street, and you have folks who are not afraid to use these guns, and they don’t care who’s around when they use these guns,” Dales said. —>READ MORE HERE

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