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Biden Flaws Become a Major Story; Americans Have Already Tired of His Hyper-Partisan Agenda: Optimism in Nation’s Future Plunges After 6 Months; American optimism drops 20 points

Biden flaws become a major story:

Polls and surveys come and go very quickly in the media marketplace. Some get news coverage, some don’t; the press can be very selective at times. A new ABC News/Ipsos poll that revealed dwindling approval of President Biden is one of those surveys which got the coverage, even among news organizations that tend to shield Democratic officials.

ABC News itself was among the most candid in its review of the findings, which were released on Sunday.

“As President Joe Biden completed 100 days in office, the country was optimistic about the coming year, but now, just after hitting the six-month mark, Americans’ optimism about the direction of the country has plummeted nearly 20 percentage points,” the ABC News analysis said.

“On other issues, Biden’s approval is underwater, and lackluster even among his own party,” the analysis said.

A CNN review of the survey dwelled on the numbers, acknowledging that people were going from “undecided to disapproving of Biden” — and later added a judgment call. —>READ MORE HERE

Americans have already tired of Biden’s hyper-partisan agenda: Optimism in nation’s future plunges after 6 months:

Corporate media and Big Tech colluded with the Democratic Party to gaslight the country into electing Joe Biden as a return to normalcy. Six months in, the country is getting that normalcy, and they’re getting it good and hard — but without any of the Barack Obama packaging of “hope” that sold it in the first place.

According to the latest Gallup poll, America has already tired of the Biden agenda. His approval rating among his own party has slipped by near double digits, and among independents, he has fallen from 61 percent to 48 percent. This marks a slide the White House is unlikely to reverse, given that voters now understand the truth: Biden is merely the figurehead of a leftist agenda out of touch with the priorities of Americans.

The percent of Americans optimistic about where the nation is heading has dropped 20 points just since spring — to 45 percent from 64 percent, an ABC News/Ipsos poll found. Now 55 percent are pessimistic. Much of this decline is about a lack of confidence in the president himself. The media did their best to shield Biden from even marginally tough questions before he was elected. Now, confronted with even the friendliest questions from Biden promotional network CNN, he meanders, forgets, and loses his place. Tasked with answering for a border crisis of their own making, his vice president openly muses that maybe she doesn’t say “no” enough. —>READ MORE HERE

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