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New Wyoming Poll Shows More Trouble For Liz Cheney

Results of new poll released Friday continue to show support for Republican Rep. Liz Cheney deep underwater among her Wyoming constituents as she prepares for a competitive primary.

According to a survey conducted by McLaughlin & Associates shown exclusively to the Washington Examiner, 77 percent of Republican primary voters said they would back a candidate besides Cheney in the upcoming contest. Only 23 percent said Cheney could count on their support.

More than half, 53 percent, described Cheney as “liberal,” whereas only 26 percent labeled their at-large representative who has joined Democrats in defining moments as “conservative.”

Former President Donald Trump released a statement hours before the poll was published calling on the Wyoming Republican Party to unite behind a single primary challenger before the five major candidates who have announced split the vote and give Cheney a fourth term.

“The easiest way to defeat Deplorable Liz Cheney is by having only ONE Conservative candidate run and WIN!” Trump wrote. “Wyoming Patriots will no longer stand for Nancy Pelosi and her new lapdog RINO Liz Cheney!”

The Wyoming lawmaker who was kicked from her number three role in House leadership in May continued to escalate her feud with the former president and the Republican voters this week with her defiant participation in the Democrats’ show-trial Jan. 6 committee. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed Cheney to give the committee’s opening remarks at its first hearing on Tuesday after Republican Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana, who were sent by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, were blacklisted.

On Sunday, Pelosi appointed NeverTrump GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois to join Cheney in their place as McCarthy pulled Republicans from the proceedings.

Cheney’s enthusiastic embrace of the Democrats’ weaponized Jan. 6 committee in effort to indict Trump and the Republican voter after a second failed impeachment has led members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus to demand her and Kinzinger’s removal from their other assignments. McCarthy, who backed Cheney’s removal as House Conference Chair earlier this year, condemned the pair of lawmakers as “Pelosi Republicans” for taking seats on the committee this week but has offered little indication he supports the effort to punish the two.

Friday’s poll results corroborate a series of recent surveys that show Cheney in trouble ahead of re-election next year, with a slate of candidates lining up to unseat the incumbent representative chasing every opportunity to engineer a GOP civil war non-existent outside her beltway home.

On Monday, a new survey conducted by Fabrizio, Lee & Associates reported by Axios found Cheney the most unpopular Republican in the country among GOP voters

While Donald Trump Jr. and Gov. Ron DeSantis led in the poll’s results mapped out in the Axios chart below, Cheney scored a negative 43 percent net-favorability.

In April, a poll from the conservative political action committee Club for Growth found Cheney showed more than half, 52 percent, would support another candidate no matter who challenges her next year.

Friday’s survey from McLaughlin & Associates interviewed 300 likely Wyoming GOP primary voters with a +/-5.6 percent margin of error.

The Federalist

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