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Remember Biden Said Migrant Surge Would Drop by July? It didn’t happen; Biden’s Border Crisis Merges with His COVID ‘Crisis’; Border Patrol Official Rejects ‘seasonal’ Migrant Surge Argument

Remember Biden said migrant surge would drop by July? It didn’t happen:

At a news conference in March, President Joe Biden pooh-poohed surging illegal migration at the southern border as an ordinary, seasonal problem. “It happens every single, solitary year,” he said, and to some extent he was right: Usually, illegal border-crossing rises through the spring and drops off in June and July, as temperatures rise and the trek gets more dangerous.

But that isn’t what’s happening this year.

Apprehensions at the border have risen every month since April, with a huge spike after Biden took office in January and an even bigger one in February. In May, federal authorities made more than 180,000 arrests at the border, and in June, when we would have typically seen the numbers begin to drop off, arrests topped 188,000.

The July total is likely to exceed 210,000, according to a Biden administration federal court filing this week. Federal agents haven’t encountered that many people on the border in a single month in 21 years. So far this fiscal year, more than 1 million people have been arrested at the border, and we’re on pace to break the all-time record, set in 2000. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden’s Border Crisis Merges with His COVID ‘Crisis’:

Funny things can happen when you whip up a state of confusion and panic, drop-kick basic norms, contradict things you said in very recent history, and otherwise convey a sense that the wheels are falling off the national choo-choo. Americans might react by saying, “Boy, things sure are tough, so please restrict and control our lives even more, wise leaders.” But they might also start to think, “Hang on, you’re in charge. Isn’t this all your fault?”

There is a border crisis that is indisputably real and is indisputably of Biden’s own making. Thousands of illegal immigrants are carrying the coronavirus, and the federal government is all but welcoming them into the country. In some cases the government is bringing them up from the border and giving them hotel rooms in unsuspecting communities. —>READ MORE HERE

Border Patrol official rejects ‘seasonal’ migrant surge argument:

A top Border Patrol official is dismissing the idea that the ​record-smashing surge of illegal immigrants arriving at the southern border is “seasonal” — adding that the current situation is “much different than what we’ve dealt with in the past.”

“This is not seasonal,” Deputy Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz told NBC News on Wednesday.

“I do think that what we’re dealing with is much different than what we’ve dealt with in the past,” he said.

O​rtiz spoke to NBC as reports say ​Border Patrol agents are stopping more than 5,000 illegal immigrants at the border each day.

And more than 19,000 unaccompanied children were picked up by US authorities in July, surpassing the previous high of 18,877 in March, the Associated Press reported, citing preliminary figures. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow link below to a related story:

US authorities likely encountered 210,000 migrants trying to cross border illegally in July

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