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REPORT: 20 Percent of Migrant Children Test Positive for COVID After Release by Border Patrol; Texas Borderland Doctor States the Obvious: The COVID Surge Is Coming From Biden’s ‘Grossly Irresponsible’ Border Policies. and related stories

REPORT: 20 Percent of Migrant Children Test Positive for COVID After Release by Border Patrol:

A leaked presidential briefing document reported on by NBC News revealed that 20 percent of unaccompanied migrant children who illegally crossed the border are testing positive for COVID-19 after being released into communities by Border Patrol. The report covers the last two to three weeks of data prepared for President Joe Biden, NBC says.

A presidential briefing document reported by NBC News also states that 18 percent of migrant families are testing positive for the pandemic virus after they are released by Border Patrol officials into border communities. President Biden is expected to receive the briefing on Thursday.

The report also says that the infection rate of migrant families is impacting the Biden administration’s efforts to deport migrant families under recently reenacted expedited removal processes. Some of the ICE deportation flights had a 25 percent COVID-positive rate among the migrant families scheduled for removal, NBC stated. Those families were removed from the flights for quarantine. —>READ MORE HERE

Texas Borderland Doctor States the Obvious: The COVID Surge Is Coming From Biden’s ‘Grossly Irresponsible’ Border Policies

The mainstream media, (other than the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, notably) which isn’t reporting on the border much these days, says in unison that the current surge in COVID cases is not linked to the surge in illegal border crossings.

How they can say that with such confidence when they’re not reporting on the border and aren’t tracing issues such as the “COVID hotels” is a bit of a non-mystery. They’re saying these things because they don’t want to report the possibility, or is it probability, that Biden’s border policies are putting Americans all over the country in grave danger from COVID. They don’t want to call out New York Democrats such as Bill de Blasio for instituting a latter-day Jim Crow regime in the name of COVID and they don’t want to blame Joe Biden for letting Americans get sick and die.

One border doctor is speaking out, Fox News reports.

Dr. Antonio Falcon, a highly regarded physician in the border town of Rio Grande City, Texas told Fox News that his practice has seen a significant “uptick in cases in the last couple of weeks.” Falcon’s region reported a 900% increase in the number of illegal detainees who tested positive for COVID-19 last month.

Coincidence? He thinks not.

“The uptick in cases locally is certainly linked to the number of those coming across the border who have already contracted the virus,” Falcon said.

The Texas border city of McAllen, just 30 miles south of Rio Grande, reported that more than 7,000 COVID-positive migrants have been released into the city since February, and more than 1,500 in the past week.

How could this, the COVID hotels, and the Biden administration’s policies of not quarantining COVID+ illegals plus shipping them around the country without telling state or local authorities not be at least partly causing the surge in COVID cases? It defies logic. COVID is a highly contagious virus, we’re told. We have in this issue a population that’s carrying the virus and not being quarantined. What’s the logic at work in insisting that they’re not spreading COVID? We live in a time when logic will get you censored by the masters of social media, who all work in lockstep with the leftist Democrats.—>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

White House Refuses to Endorse Vaccine Mandate for Migrants Released into U.S.

Biden’s DHS Admits ‘Significantly Increased Rates’ of COVID-Positive Border Crossers Arriving in U.S.

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Texas border town struggles under surge of migrant families and COVID-19

Texas mayor blames Biden for surge in migrant COVID cases

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