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Biden Does a Barack Obama and Flees Accountability; Biden Resumes Vacation After Afghanistan Speech; Trump Follows Biden Speech by Blasting ‘grossly incompetent’ Afghanistan Withdrawal, and 11 related stories

Joe Biden does a Barack Obama and flees accountability:

Rome burns as Nero fiddles. Afghanistan churns as President Biden vacations.

But what to expect from a man who campaigned for the highest office in the land from the safety and security of his man-cave basement?

Rep. Jim Jordan on “Sunday Morning Futures” on Fox nailed it when he asked: “Well, I think the first thing is, why is Joe Biden on vacation?”

Sen. Tom Cotton asked similarly on Twitter: “Why is Joe Biden in hiding? He should immediately address the nation and answer for the catastrophic situation in Afghanistan.”

He should. But he won’t.

Maybe it’s kind of a Democrat thing to run during times of crises. After all, former President Barack Obama did it. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden resumes vacation after Afghanistan speech:

President Biden on Monday returned to Camp David, resuming a vacation that was briefly interrupted by a return to the White House to address the nation about the deteriorating conditions in Afghanistan.

Mr. Biden began his vacation last week as Taliban insurgents swept through Afghanistan, taking control of major cities before seizing Kabul on Sunday.

While chaos and uncertainty reigned in Afghanistan, Mr. Biden made no public appearances all weekend save a photo released by the White House showing the president on a teleconference with top advisors.

As criticism from both parties mounted over Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban, the president took a break from his vacation. He arrived at the White House Monday afternoon and delivered a speech from the East Room that ended without taking questions from the press. —>READ MORE HERE

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