Jesus' Coming Back

The Taliban Butchers Over A Thousand People, They Take Their Victims And Gouge Out Their Eyes And Chop Their Heads Off. Girls Are Also Kidnapped And Forced Into Sex Slavery

By Theodore Shoebat

Reports of atrocities have pouring out of Afghanistan, to the surprise of nobody. One report has come out stating that the Taliban butchered a thousand people in one are of the country, and that hundreds more were executed in other areas. Victims had their eyes gouged and were beheaded. Girls have also been seized and forced into sex slavery. As we read in the Times:

Reports of Taliban atrocities have spread across Afghanistan since the insurgents launched their final offensive.

Despite pledges to be magnanimous, the Taliban have been accused of beheading prisoners, gouging out eyes and executing hundreds. Fleeing civilians have brought tales of girls forced into marriage or kidnapped as sex slaves. Video on social media shows Islamists pumping machinegun rounds into the bodies of captured Afghan policemen.

Some of the worst atrocities were in the southern province of Kandahar, birthplace of the Taliban in 1994 and the spiritual home of the movement. In Spin Boldak, on the Pakistan border, the Taliban are accused of executing up to 1,000 people as they hunted officials and troops.

What is happening in Afghanistan is like what occurred in Iraq with ISIS. But, all of the slaughter led to one thing: an justification for outside intervention. Hence why Russia and Turkey are in Iraq and Syria. The same thing will happen in Afghanistan, and we should not be surprised to see Russia and Turkey getting involved in this hellish country.


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