Jesus' Coming Back

Fmr WH Doc GOP Rep. Jackson: Biden No Longer ‘Cognitively Prepared’ to Be President, Needs to Resign

Representative Ronny Jackson (R-TX), formerly the White House physician, said Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends First” that President Joe Biden is no longer “cognitively prepared” to be president, so he should resign.

Jackson said, “We’re looking horrible right now on the world stage. This is an absolute national embarrassment. And instead of being out in front of this and talking about what’s going on, and what went wrong, and what the plan was, and what we’re gonna do next, Biden’s just been in hiding again, as he always has. And it’s just. It’s totally inspired. It hasn’t inspired any confidence in our allies. As a matter of fact, all of our allies are very upset with this. As of today, you know, the Brits, the Germans, the French, they’re very upset with us for pulling out, and we didn’t really even give them any heads up. We put them in a bad position too. They have people stuck in Afghanistan now that they’re having to try to get out.”

He continued, “So this is a horrible situation for this country. Biden, once again, has failed us. He’s embarrassed as internationally. And you know, honestly, it is time for him to leave. I’ve been saying this for a long time. I’ve been saying that he’s not. He’s not cognitively prepared to be our president. And this is just another example of his failure. And I think a lot of this is relevant to his cognitive ability. But he’s — he’s created a national security disaster for this country right now. And it’s time for him to move on, and somebody else needs to do this job. He is not fit to be our commander in chief. It’s time for him to resign.”

Jackson added, “It’s time for him to go and honestly think that he will go. I think that he’ll resign or how to think his own party will remove through the 25th Amendment as the as the days in advance because there’s just too much liability with this man. They can. They can’t cover for him anymore.”

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