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Joe Biden Plans Coronavirus Speech as Approval of His Handling of the Pandemic Falls 12 Points

President Joe Biden plans to address the coronavirus battle on Monday as more Americans grow sceptical of his handling of the pandemic.

The president scheduled a speech on the pandemic for Monday afternoon after the Food and Drug Administration gave full approval for the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.

But recent polls show Americans are growing increasingly skeptical of Biden’s response after the surge of the Delta variant of the virus in the United States.

An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll showed Biden suffering a 12-point drop in his approval rating on the issue.

In July, 66 percent of Americans approved of his response. Only 54 percent now support his handling of the issue. The poll was conducted August 12-16.

Other polls show a similar drop of support from Americans on his handling of the virus.

In July, Biden backed federal health officials who reinstated mask mandates in the country, even for the vaccinated.

He also fully endorsed vaccine mandates, making it a requirement for federal employees and contractors to get vaccinated.

Biden also backed mask mandates for children in school, publicly accusing Republican governors of endangering children’s lives if they opposed them.

On Sunday, he urged Americans seeking shelter from an approaching hurricane to get vaccinated and continue wearing a mask and socially distance from other people.

“Get vaccinated now,” he said. “Protect yourself and your family against COVID-19. It’s going to be a vital part of emergency preparedness this year.”


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