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Inside the Afghanistan Debacle: Biden Abandoned Trump’s Pullout Plan, and related stories

Families hide for lives; allies blame U.S. for shameful defeat to Taliban

The desperate pleas crossing cyberspace from Afghanistan to the U.S. symbolize America’s surrender to a feudal terrorist army, qualifying the retreat as the nation’s most embarrassing.

President Biden’s decision to bypass his military advisers and order a complete withdrawal has left tens of thousands of Americans and friendly Afghans trapped by Taliban terrorist brigades.

Congressional sources told The Washington Times that they were kept in the dark as they asked repeatedly for a timetable to evacuate civilians once the president announced the decision in April.

They never received the timetable, and Afghanistan fell to the Taliban on Aug. 15.

Making one’s way through Kabul’s teeming streets to Hamid Karzai International Airport grew even more dangerous Saturday.

Agence France-Presse reported that Taliban leaders turned over the city’s security to Khalil Haqqani, a Taliban-al Qaeda hybrid on whom the U.S. has put a $5 million bounty. The Haqqani network is led by a notorious terrorist family running a Taliban haven in Pakistan.

Afghans who worked shoulder to shoulder with U.S. troops and diplomats are hoping those contacts will leverage lifesaving flights out of Kabul, now patrolled by victorious Taliban squads.

A former Pentagon official told The Washington Times that he is working to win freedom for a number of Afghans, such as the female government employee who sent an email saying, “I’m in bad security situation, my life and my family life is danger.”

“They are hiding. All they can do,” the former official, who did not want to be identified, told The Times.

During the crisis and two interrupted vacations, Mr. Biden has delivered a number of inaccurate assessments, liberal and conservative media outlets said.

The string began with the president’s July 8 declaration that local Afghan forces would prevail.

The flubs continued at his Friday press conference when he asserted that al Qaeda had left Afghanistan. The Taliban-hosted terrorist group that executed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the U.S. and triggered an American invasion of Afghanistan 20 years ago is diminished but has not exited.

Perhaps Mr. Biden’s most inappropriate advice was that it was safe for Americans — now essentially Taliban hostages — to come out of hiding and go to the U.S.-protected international airport in Kabul.

He said the Taliban assured his team that Americans could pass through their checkpoints safely.

The embassy staff in Kabul contradicted that advice the next day.

Abandoning Trump’s pullout plan —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Pompeo on Afghanistan: ‘We’ve Gone Backwards,’ ‘Lost Two Decades’ Because of Biden

Trump hits Biden yet again on Afghanistan: Military ‘has to be last out the door’

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