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TRUMP NEWS: Trump: Only 15 Percent of Afghan Evacuees Are American, Calls Effort ‘a Complete Failure’; Trump says, Thousands Fleeing Afghanistan Could Be ‘terrorists,’ and 14 other Trump and Afghanistan related stories

Trump: Only 15 Percent of Afghan Evacuees Are American, Calls Effort ‘a Complete Failure’:

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden in a statement today for having “surrendered Afghanistan to terrorists and left thousands of Americans for dead” by pulling the U.S. military out of the region prior to evacuating U.S. citizens.

Trump went on to bash the president for evacuating 4,000 Americans (15 percent) out of the 26,000 total people evacuated, citing a statement leaked from the Pentagon reported by Politico’s Alex Ward.

He also questioned the Biden administration’s evacuation process, speculating that the Taliban would not allow their “best and brightest” to board flights out of the country.

“We can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan and into neighborhoods around the world,” Trump wrote. “What a terrible failure. NO VETTING. How many terrorists will Joe Biden bring to America? We don’t know!” —>READ MORE HERE

Thousands fleeing Afghanistan could be ‘terrorists,’ Trump says:

While the U.S. military works furiously to airlift Americans and Afghan allies from Kabul, former President Donald Trump suggested without evidence that “thousands” of terrorists could be among the evacuees in Afghanistan.

“You can be sure the Taliban, who are now in complete control, didn’t allow the best and brightest to board these evacuation flights,” Trump said in a statement Tuesday, despite the Taliban’s efforts to curtail Afghans’ movements and to bring the withdrawal to a swift end.

Trump added that one “can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan.” —>READ MORE HERE

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