Jesus' Coming Back

Joe Biden’s Approval Sinks Underwater as Afghanistan Crisis Worsens

President Biden’s approval rating is now under water, RealClearPolitics’ Friday average showed.

RCP’s polling data average showed the 78-year-0ld president’s approval rating in the negatives, with 48.4 percent disapproving and 47.4 approving, the week the crisis in Afghanistan reached a tragic, deadly breaking point resulting in 13 U.S. servicemembers killed — the largest single-day loss for U.S. servicemembers since 2011.

Even prior to the deadly suicide bombings in Kabul, Biden’s approval had been suffering, sinking to Rasmussen Reports’ all-time low of 44 percent approval this week.

Additionally, a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll released this week showed Biden in the negatives, with 41 percent approving to 55 percent who disapprove.

Biden’s negative average follows Thursday’s deadly attacks in Kabul, which resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. servicemembers and at least 95 Afghans.

Biden addressed the nation on Thursday and admitted that some Americans will remain in Afghanistan after the August 31 deadline for troop withdrawal.

“We will continue, after our troops are withdrawn, to find means by which we find any American who wishes to get out of Afghanistan,” Biden said, defining the mission as getting “as many people out as we can within the time frame that’s allotted.”

Republican lawmakers have since called for Biden’s resignation, concluding that the commander-in-chief’s “incompetence has now cost American lives.” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), specifically, called for the resignation or impeachment and subsequent removal of “Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, and General Milley.”

The White House, however, has dismissed such calls as a political stunt.


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