Jesus' Coming Back

McCarthy Urges Pelosi to Call House into Session to Extend August 31 Deadline

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Friday called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to bring the House of Representatives back into session following the terror attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, that killed 13 American troops.

McCarthy lamented that Congress spent time to pass $5 trillion worth of funding instead of focusing on evacuating Americans and Afghan allies out of Afghanistan safely. He emphasized the need to extend the August 31 deadline set by President Joe Biden to get everyone out.

“The only thing that is happening — we were called back in a special session just like in the U.K. they called the parliament back. The only difference was this majority controlled by Speaker Pelosi did not allow us any time, voted against the bill I just talked to on the floor, and spent the entire time passing about $5 trillion worth of funding,” McCarthy told FNC’s “Fox & Friends.” “That was their focus instead of focusing on Americans in a time of need, our military, making sure they have everything that they need to be safe, and now she denies the ability to come back into session. We are coequal branches.”

“This is unacceptable,” he added. “Nancy Pelosi needs to bring us back into session, bring up this bill, move this deadline and make sure every single American is able to leave Afghanistan.”

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent


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