U.S. Army Chaplains Create Makeshift Baptismal Tub, Baptize 7 Soldiers

A post from a U.S. Army combat team is drawing praise for showing how army chaplains created a makeshift tub to baptize seven soldiers at Fort Irwin in California.
“With no chapel or equipment to facilitate, our chaplains came together and created a makeshift tub at the National Training Center/Fort Irwin and got the job done,” the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division wrote in its post.
“A fine example of Lancers being experts at their chosen field craft!”
The chaplains created a tub from the shoveling part of a bulldozer and even placed a cross at the top of the makeshift tub, CBN News reports.
“This is absolutely amazing!” one Facebook user wrote. “Makes my heart happy! Thank you, chaplains, what a blessing! Welcome to the family of God! Thank you for our troops! God bless each and every one of you! I pray God’s protection around you all!”
“So happy for new brothers and sisters in Christ,” commented someone else. “Thank you for all your service. There is no greater joy than putting on the armor of God!”
The post has more than 21,000 likes and has been shared more than 77,000 times.
The Chaplain Corps of the United States Army is made up of ordained clergy of multiple faiths who are also commissioned Army officers serving as military chaplains as well as enlisted soldiers who serve as assistants.
Chaplains offer counseling, religious church services, and moral support to armed forces.
Army chaplains have a specific crest with symbols, including a shepherd’s crook, which was the first symbol to identify Army chaplains; sun rays, which symbolize universal truth, palms, which symbolize spiritual victory; a dove, which represents peace; an open book, which represents the sacred texts of a soldier’s respective practiced religion; a sun, which represent holiness, and a blue background, which represents the afterlife. Under the crest reads in Latin, “For God and country” in Latin.
Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Bo Zaunders
Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for ChristianHeadlines.com since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and IBelieve.com. She blogs at The Migraine Runner.
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