Jesus' Coming Back

State to ask court for 6 month delay in razing West Bank’s Khan al-Ahmar

The state plans to ask the High Court of Justice to delay by half-a-year plans to raze the illegal West Bank Bedouin herding village of Khan al-Ahmar.
In an unusual manner, news of the delay was announced by the Foreign Ministry, which is not typically the address for issues involving Israeli demolitions of illegal Bedouin and Palestinian construction.
“Based on inter-agency staff work that includes a diplomatic opinion from the Foreign Ministry, the state will [on] (September 5) submit a request for a six-month postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar,” the Foreign Ministry said.

It would not provide any more details.

Likud MK Gideon Sa'ar looks out over the Bedouin outpost of Khan al-Amar, West Bank, December 10, 2019 (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar looks out over the Bedouin outpost of Khan al-Amar, West Bank, December 10, 2019 (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Regavim had petitioned the court, asking that it force the state to carry out an earlier ruling that the encampment could be removed.
The court had asked the state to defend its failure to remove the illegal encampment perched near Route 1, close to the Kfar Adumim settlement, demanding that it do so by September 5.
Israel is under pressure from the United States not to pursue its policy of demolishing illegal Palestinian structures.
Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had seemed poised in 2018 to demolish the herding village of tents and shacks that is home to 180 Jahalin Bedouin. He backed away from the demolition after former International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Fatou Benosuda had warned that such activity could constitute a war crime. The ICC is examining the possibility of allowing war crimes suits to be filed against Israelis.
Bennett and his Yamina party have in the past supported the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar. 
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has spoken against the demolition warning that it would have negative diplomatic consequences for Israel.
Regavim Director-General Meir Deutsch, said in response that the Foreign Ministry was not a party to the case and that only Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz were named. are named as defendants. “Naftali Bennett, you are Israel’s Prime Minister. Don’t hide behind Foreign Minister Lapid,” Deutsch said.
Regavim added in a statement that, “Under no circumstances should law enforcement policy in the State of Israel be dictated by pressure exerted by foreign governments. This is a perilous, slippery slope that erodes Israeli sovereignty.”


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