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State Department Accused of Holding Up Evacuation Flights From Afghanistan; State Dept Blocking Private Rescue Flights From Leaving Afghanistan, Organizers Say: ‘Blood is on their hands’, and related stories

State Department accused of holding up evacuation flights from Afghanistan:

An organizer for chartered flights to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies from the Mazar-i-Sharif airport​ accused the State Department of holding up the planes — saying “blood will be on the White House’s hands” if any of the people waiting are injured or killed by the Taliban.

Another organizer told Reuters that about 1,000 people, including Americans, are being held in Afghanistan awaiting the State Department to provide clearance for their flights.

An individual involved in chartering private planes to ferry people out of Afghanistan put the onus solely on the State Department for holding up the flights.​

“This is zero place to be negotiating with American lives. Those are our people standing on the tarmac and all it takes is a f​—ing phone call,” ​the person told Fox News.

“If one life is lost as a result of this, the blood is on the White House’s hands. The blood is on their hands,”​ the person who is not being identified by Fox News to avoid jeopardizing the rescue efforts said, adding, “It is not the Taliban that is holding this up – as much as it sickens me to say that – it is the United States government.”

T​he person suggested that the State Department is embarrassed that private charters are helping Americans escape Afghanistan after the Biden administration left them stranded following the US military withdrawal last week. —>READ MORE HERE

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: ‘Blood is on their hands’:

Americans involved in private evacuation efforts tell Fox News the State Department is only reason their planes haven’t left Afghanistan

Americans engaged in the rescue of U.S. citizens, SIVs and green card holders left behind by President Biden in Afghanistan are horrified by what they describe as inexplicable delays from the State Department that are preventing evacuation flights from leaving the country.

The State Department’s delays are recklessly endangering American lives, three different individuals involved in the private evacuation effort told Fox News.

Rick Clay, who runs the private rescue group PlanB, told Fox News that the State Department is the only thing preventing the flights he’s organizing from leaving Afghanistan.

Two other American individuals separately involved in evacuation efforts, whom Fox News is not naming to avoid jeopardizing ongoing rescue efforts, similarly said that the State Department is the sole entity preventing their charter flights from leaving Afghanistan.

“This is zero place to be negotiating with American lives. Those are our people standing on the tarmac and all it takes is a f—ing phone call,” one of those individuals, who has been integral to private evacuation efforts from Afghanistan, told Fox News.

“If one life is lost as a result of this, the blood is on the White House’s hands. The blood is on their hands,” that individual said, adding: “It is not the Taliban that is holding this up – as much as it sickens me to say that – it is the United States government.” —>READ MORE HERE

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