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‘Is it about getting away with rape?’ Twitter horrified at reports disgraced comic Bill Cosby releasing new TV show

Accused serial sexual predator Bill Cosby, who was controversially released from prison in June, is reportedly working on a new TV show. Many on Twitter reacted to the news with disgust.

The 84-year-old “has been flexing his creative muscle” at his Massachusetts home in the months since his release from prison, Fox News reported on Thursday, citing the spokesman for the entertainer, Andrew Wyatt.

“Things are happening. He’s working on a number of projects right now, a number of ideas for a TV show that has him on the phone with producers, working with guys every day,” Wyatt said. “He’s giving his creative ideas and input.”

He said details of the potential projects will remain under wraps for now, but revealed that Cosby had “started discussions with producers back when he was still behind bars” at a Pennsylvania prison.

Also on Bill Cosby sexual assault conviction OVERTURNED by court, actor released after more than 2 years in prison

Cosby, the once-beloved star of a family-friendly TV sitcom named after him, fell from public grace in the mid 2010s, after multiple women came forward to accuse him of sexual crimes he allegedly committed over decades. He was charged, tried and finally convicted in 2018 in a case of aggravated indecent assault against accuser Andrea Constand, but the sentence was overturned this year, after the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ruled it to be in violation of an agreement with a prosecutor.

With many people believing Cosby to be a serial date-rapist who got away on a technicality, it’s no surprise that the idea of him returning to our screens triggered horrified outrage on Twitter. If his show does launch, anyone who has “a little dignity” won’t watch it, one commenter said.

The outpouring of disgust may be somewhat premature. In a separate interview with TMZ, Wyatt said Cosby’s plans for a comedy tour had to be put on ice due to an impending trial in a civil lawsuit.

One of his accusers, Judy Huth, filed against him in 2014, accusing him of sexually assaulting her in the 1970s, when she was aged 15. The comedian denied the allegation. Her case stalled while Cosby was being tried for allegedly attacking Andrea Constand, but now a trial has been scheduled for spring next year, the report said. Cosby was said to be concerned that the inevitable negative publicity from the trial would overshadow his tour.

If the same reasoning is true for his other projects, Cosby’s ambition for a comeback may be years away, if it’s even possible.

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