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Biden’s Growing Border Catastrophe; John Kennedy: Trusting Biden Admin with Immigration Is Like ‘Trusting Harvey Weinstein with your Daughter’; Thousands of Illegal Aliens Overrun Border Checkpoints Overwhelming Border Patrol, and related stories

Biden’s Growing Border Catastrophe:

The Biden administration, surprising precisely nobody, is facing an ever-worsening crisis at the border. In recent days, thousands of Haitian immigrants have crossed the Rio Grande. No, that’s not a typo.

The scene is so embarrassing and distressing that the FAA has restricted the flights of drone cameras to prevent Fox News from showing the pictures of what the developing migrant encampment looks like.

These Haitian migrants are part of a larger movement of tens of thousands of Haitians who are trying to migrate to the United States from a number of South American countries, where they fled after the 2010 earthquake. They’ve apparently received the message loud and clear that if you present yourself at the border, or get caught, you might be distributed to the interior of the United States and won’t even have a court date. The Biden administration has halted deportations, weakened many of the rules that governed Customs and Border Patrol’s handling of illegal border crossings, and undid Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy. This has been compounded by the Biden administration’s response to the assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moïse, which includes extending temporary protected status to Haitians, allowing them to live in the United States without legal status.

And so, the caravans are back and often involve the business of human smuggling. This wave of migration has pushed the number of illegal border crossings to a 20-year high. This is happening even as Homeland Security is trying to settle 60,000 Afghan evacuees, many of whom were not well-vetted. —>READ MORE HERE

John Kennedy: Trusting Biden Admin with Immigration Is Like ‘Trusting Harvey Weinstein with your Daughter’:

Friday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) ripped President Joe Biden and his administration’s handling of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Kennedy said the Biden administration “has an open border policy,” which has led to the crisis at the border. He asserted that trusting Biden with managing the border properly is like “trusting Harvey Weinstein with your daughter.”

“Look, I regret having to say this, but when it comes to illegal immigration, you just can’t trust the Biden administration. It would be like trusting Harvey Weinstein with your daughter,” Kennedy declared. “When it comes to illegal immigration, the Biden administration lies like they breathe. They’re like timeshare salesmen. I mean, they’re peerless. The truth is that the Biden administration has an open border policy. The truth is that this year we’ll have well over 2 million people coming into our country, allowed in by the president, and we don’t have the slightest idea who they are. And I believe that the reason that they’re limiting drone usage is because they don’t want the American public to know, and I think this is illegal. And I think they are also misreading the American people. The American people support legal immigration. That’s why we welcome about a million of our world’s neighbors every year to become American citizens legally. That’s more than any other country in the world, but we do not support illegal immigration.”

“[W]e now have an open border policy,” he added. “The nutjobs are in charge in the Biden administration.” —>WATCH the full interview HERE

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