Report: NBA Plagued by ‘Vaccine Civil War’ as Unvaccinated Players Rally Behind Kyrie Irving

The NBA is hoping to vax everyone in the league, but officials are also coming to fear a coalition of unvaccinated players, including Kyrie Irving, who is refusing the vaccine, according to Rolling Stone.
The left is labeling some of these players as “conspiracy theorists” for refusing to take the vaccine.
According to a report by Rolling Stone, the league is worried that players who are resisting the vaccine, such as Irving and Orlando’s Jonathan Isaac,will band together and resist the efforts to fully vaccinate the whole league.
Inside the NBA’s vaccine civil war: Will Kyrie skip home games? Has the league caved to players? Does one player even get how masks work? And what’s with that Moderna conspiracy theory in locker rooms?
Spoke to players+execs+docs+Kareem for @RollingStone:
— Matt Sullivan (@sullduggery) September 26, 2021
Kyrie’s aunt recently said that players could start skipping home games to protest the league’s vaccine policies.
“There are so many other players outside of him who are opting out, I would like to think they would make a way,” she said. “It could be like every third game. So it still gives you a full season of being interactive and being on the court, but with the limitations that they’re, of course, oppressing upon you. There can be some sort of formula where the NBA and the players can come to some sort of agreement.”
She went on to add that Kyrie is not looking for a religious exemption. “It’s not religious-based, it’s morals based,” she said. “You may have to sit on the sideline, you might not have to be in the arena during this. If it’s that freaking important to get a vaccine that, hell, it’s still not preventing COVID, then I’d rather them working it out that way than to say, ‘Hey, if you don’t get the vaccine, then you can’t be a part of the franchise that you fuckin’ helped build.’”
NEWS for #NBATwitter crowd: In Delta about-face, NBA to make courtside players + staff (vaxxed or not) wear masks on bench. But union wins on no off-day testing + “suggested” distancing for unvaxxed players on team plane/bus. Last sticking point: the club.
— Matt Sullivan (@sullduggery) September 26, 2021
Spoke to Jonathan Isaac, a man of God, about a time of science for my big new @RollingStone story (
You may remember Isaac as the player who stood up when the NBA knelt down for the anthem.
You certainly won’t believe everything he believes about Covid:
— Matt Sullivan (@sullduggery) September 26, 2021
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