Jesus' Coming Back

McAuliffe Dodges on Taxpayer Funding of Abortions for Medicaid Recipients

The Democratic gubernatorial candidate also falsely claimed he ‘never advocated changing’ Virginia’s statute on late-term abortion.

NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE D emocratic candidate Terry McAuliffe claimed at Tuesday night’s Virginia gubernatorial debate that he supports the state’s abortion laws “that are on the books today,” but he repeatedly refused to say following the debate whether he would change Virginia’s law on taxpayer funding of elective abortions.

“I’m not gonna talk about hypothetical bills,” McAuliffe said at a post-debate press conference when National Review asked him what he’d do if the Virginia legislature passed a bill providing taxpayer funding for all legal abortions for Medicaid recipients in Virginia.

McAuliffe has spent much of the campaign talking about hypothetical bills he would or would not sign. …

National Review

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