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Republicans Warn DHS Is Planning To FIRE Unvaxxed Border Patrol Agents; Whistleblower: Border Patrol Agents Must Be Vaccinated by Nov or Face Being Fired, and related stories

Republicans Warn DHS Is Planning To FIRE Unvaxxed Border Patrol Agents:

“It is simply unbelievable that the Biden Administration will allow Covid-positive illegal aliens to surge across the border but will terminate dedicated law-enforcement officers”

Republicans have warned that according to an insider at the Department of Homeland Security, the agency’s head Alejandro Mayorkas plans to FIRE border agents who are unvaccinated.

The whistleblower claims that the DHS will off a significant potion of the border workforce if they do not comply with the vaccine mandate and get the shots before November.

The ranking Member on the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jim Jordan wrote to Mayorkas asking for an explanation.

“While our border is facing this serious crisis, we have learned that you are threatening to terminate a significant portion of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) workforce,” Jordan wrote. —>READ MORE HERE

Border Patrol agents must be vaccinated by Nov or face being fired: Whistleblower

Agents reportedly have until Nov. 1 to be fully vaccinated, or they can expect a pink slip

U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents have been put on official notice by the Biden administration that they must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Nov. 1 or face being fired, according to a whistleblower who sounded the alarm to House Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.

“The people who have been busting their tails, enforcing our law, doing their job on the border – they’re gonna get fired if they don’t take the vaccine,” Jordan told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

Jordan pointed out that migrants entering the U.S. illegally are given the choice as to whether or not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, saying of the double standard, “That is how ridiculous the Biden administration has become.”

The purported deadline for Border Patrol agents to get vaccinated comes as the DHS struggles to manage the ongoing crisis at the southern border, and Republicans warn that terminating agents over President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal workers could not come at a worse time. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Whistleblower claims unvaccinated border agents will be fired: GOP reps

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) Says Texas Would Be ‘Honored’ To Hire Any Border Patrol Agent Fired For Not Complying With Reported Biden Vaccine Mandate

Whistleblower Alleges Border Patrol Agents Now Must Get Vaccinated or Face Termination

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