Jesus' Coming Back

NIH Director Collins: ‘I Have No Evidence at All to Support’ Lab Leak Theory

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” outgoing NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins stated that he thinks a natural origin of COVID-19 is the most likely scenario, and that while he can’t rule out the possibility that it was the result of a lab leak, he has “no evidence at all to support that.”

Collins said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:30] “I think, most likely, this was a natural origin, starting in a bat, maybe traveling through an intermediate host. I can’t rule out the possibility that, secretly, the Wuhan Institute got that virus and was studying it and had a lab accident and it got loose. I have no evidence at all to support that. But I can’t exclude it. I wish the Chinese would come clean and reveal their lab records and hospital records of people who got sick in November 2019, just put this in a place where we actually have the information. They don’t seem willing to do that.”

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