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Rick Scott: Biden, Democrats ‘Have No Concept of How an Economy Works’

Friday on FNC’s “Fox & Friends,” Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) slammed President Joe Biden for voicing his pleasure with employees getting fired over not getting vaccinated against the coronavirus.

As he touted his vaccine mandate for small businesses, Biden accused the unvaccinated of putting the economy “at risk.”

Scott said that “Emperor Biden” and the Democrats “have no concept of how an economy works” by pushing for the unvaccinated to lose their jobs.

“The big story is Joe Biden is firing people. Joe Biden is telling people, ‘Hey, look, if you are concerned about your health, I don’t care.’ That’s what he is saying. We’re going to make sure you get fired because you are not doing what I tell you to do. Emperor Biden — that’s who he is. He thinks he can tell us what we should do. I mean, if you decide for your own health that you don’t want to get a vaccine, you get fired, and that’s OK for Joe Biden? I mean, Joe Biden is killing this economy. And, by the way, that vaccine mandate — what’s it going to do? More people are going to get fired. Unemployment will go up, so people lose their job, and on top of that, we’ll have fewer supplies, which means higher inflation, which hurts the poorest families and people on fixed income. Joe Biden has no concept. The Democrats have no concept of how an economy works.”

“You don’t fire people to improve your economy. You find people jobs. You bring people in and say, ‘Hey, look, I think you ought to get the vaccine, and here is why.’ Sell people. I mean, that’s how you do this.”

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent


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