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The Jerusalem Post 10th Annual Conference: The Future is Now

The world is experiencing significant changes. In the realms of business, finance, technology, health, science, travel, food security, religion, politics and diplomacy, the past year has inspired us to be more creative, inventive, imaginative.
The Jerusalem Post Group, the leading English-language media group, is proud to present its 10th Annual Conference. View full conference website.
At the Annual Conference, speakers and panelists discuss the health, economic and security challenges plaguing Israel, and the growing gap between Israelis and Diaspora Jews. They also celebrate the country’s innovation and successes, and tell the story of how Israel went from Start-up Nation to Vaccination Nation.

Conference Schedule:

7:30 a.m. (1:40 a.m. EST): Welcome Reception
8:40 a.m. (1:40 a.m. EST):
Opening Remarks
Editor-in-chief Yaakov Katz
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion
President Isaac Herzog
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett
Ron Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress
Larry Mizel, Chairman, Simon Wiesenthal Center
9:30 a.m. (2:30 a.m. EST): Uri Levin, CEO, Bank Discount
9:50 a.m. (2:50 a.m. EST): Sylvan Adams, Philanthropist and Businessman, in conversation with Yaakov Katz
10:05 a.m. (3:05 a.m. EST): Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman in conversation with Yaakov Katz
10:15 a.m. (3:15 a.m.): Financial Trends 2021 and Beyond 
Eitan Neishlos, Fintech innovator, investor and philanthropist (speech)
Eran Peleg, Clarity Capital Chief Investment Officer, in conversation with Gwen Ackerman
10:35 a.m. (3:35 a.m. EST): Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar in conversation with Yaakov Katz
10:50 a.m. (3:50 a.m. EST): Cybersecurity: Stay Safe in a Dangerous World
A series of one-on-one interviews between Seth Frantzman and:
Gil Shwed, CEO, Check Point 
Yevgeny Dibrov, Co-founder and CEO, Armis Security
Shirona Partem, Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategy, Kape Technologies
Rubi Aronashvili, Founder and CEO, CYE
Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk, General Manager, Microsoft Israel Development Center 
11:25 a.m. (4:25 a.m. EST): FIFA President Gianni Infantino in conversation Sharon Davidovitch
11:35 a.m. (4:35 a.m. EST): Former US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in conversation with Steve Linde
12:15 p.m. (5:15 a.m. EST) Asher Ruach Bo
12:20 p.m. (5:20 a.m. EST): Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked in conversation with Tal Shalev
12:35 p.m. (5:35 a.m. EST): The Future of Healthcare: Top Technology and Treatment Trends
Dr. Haim Amir, CEO, The Essence Group (speech)
Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis in conversation with Maayan Hoffman
Alon Ironi, CEO, Theranica; Dr. Shahar Cohen, CEO, Nayacure; Liat Goldhammer, CTO, Sonovia; Dr. Eli Lev, Director of the Cardiology Unit at Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital (panel); Dr. Shafir Botner, Paramedic School Director, Magen David Adom; Dr. Eilat Shinar, Head of Blood Services, Magen David Adom | a panel discussion in conversation with Maayan Hoffman 1:20 p.m. (6:20 a.m. EST): Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli in conversation with Gil Hoffman 
1:30 p.m. (6:30 a.m. EST): Former Head of the Mossad Yossi Cohen in conversation with Yonah Jeremy Bob
1:45 p.m. (6:45 a.m. EST): Brig. (ret.) Ariel Karo, Executive Vice President Business Development & Marketing, Rafael in conversation with Yaakov Katz
2:00 p.m. (7:00 a.m. EST): Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla 
2:05 p.m. (7:05 a.m. EST): Craig Newmark, Founder, Craigslist, in conversation with Maayan Hoffman
2:15 p.m. (7:15 a.m. EST): Safra Catz, CEO, Oracle in conversation with Yaakov Katz
2:30 p.m. (7:30 a.m. EST): Faith-based Diplomacy and the Fight for a Better Tomorrow 
Anita Friedman, Chairperson, World Wizo; Dr. Gil Pereg, CEO, Darca Schools; Rabbi Ari Lamm, CEO, Bnai Zion; Rabbi David Stav, Chairman, Zohar Organization; Col. (ret.) Eran Lerman, Editor-in-chief, The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune | in conversation with Maayan Hoffman
3:00 p.m. (8:00 a.m. EST): Law & order: Human Rights, Money and the Battle for Legitimacy
MK Ruth Wasserman Lande, Chairperson for the Parliamentary Caucus for Promoting the Abraham Accords; Olga Deutsch, Vice President, NGO Monitor; Former Israeli Ambassador to US Michael Oren; Former MK Michal Cottler Wunsh | in conversation with Khaled Abu Toameh
3:15 p.m. (8:15 a.m. EST): 
Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman in conversation with Lahav Harkov
3:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m. EST): Israel and the Diaspora: Our Jewish Connection
Dr. Mikhael Mirilashvili, President, Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (speech)
Gary Torgow, Chairman, Mosaic United (speech)
Amira Ahronoviz, CEO and Director-General, Jewish Agency (speech)
Maximizing on the Aliyah Momentum: Creating Greater Opportunity for Olim – Marina Rosenberg Koritny, Head Of The Department For The Promotion Of Aliyah, World Zionist Organization; Gael Grunewald, Deputy Chairman of the World Zionist Organization and Head of Department of Education; and Shelley Kedar, Director, Connecting the Jewish People Unit, The Jewish Agency; Shay Felber, Director of the Aliyah and Absorption Unit and Deputy Director General, The Jewish Agency (panel) | in conversation with Steve Linde and Tamar Beeri
Yaakov Hagoel, Chairman, World Zionist Organization in conversation with Golan Bar Yosef
4:15 p.m. (9:15 a.m. EST): Start-Up Nation Diplomacy: How Innovation Breeds Connection
Adi Soffer Teeni, General Manager, Facebook Israel; Eynat Guez, Co-founder and CEO, Papaya Global; Or Lenchner, CEO, Bright Data; Dr. Kfir Luzzatto, President of the Luzzatto Group; Yael Vizel, CEO, Zeekit and Head, Walmart Global Tech Israel | in conversation with Lahav Harkov and Tal Shalev
4:40 p.m. (9:40 a.m. EST): Congressman Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) in conversation with Herb Keinon
4:55 p.m. (9:55 a.m. EST): Jeff Ewing, Managing Director, Chevron Eastern Mediterranean Business Unit in conversation with Herb Keinon
5:10 p.m. (10:10 a.m. EST): Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in conversation with Yaakov Katz 
5:30 p.m. (10:30 a.m. EST): Defense Minister Benny Gantz 


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