Jesus' Coming Back

While CIA Focused on Diversity, China Went Hypersonic; ‘We Have No Idea How They Did This’: Chinese Missile Reportedly Circles the Globe Before Dropping on Target, Surprise Shocks the World … (WTF?) So Lets Cut Our Nuclear Warhead Stockpile

While CIA Focused on Diversity, China Went Hypersonic

I know this is the default headline, but I’m struggling to think of a significant enemy weapons development that our intel establishment was on top of. India and Pakistan went nuclear while the CIA snoozed.

China going hypersonic while the CIA focused on recruiting wokes is even less of a shock.

China had made “astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than U.S. officials realized,” two people told the Financial Times Saturday, with another source adding he or she was unsure how China was able to accomplish it.

Easy. They focused on getting deadly weapons with zero regards for safety or diversity quotas. That’s how we got so deadly. —>READ MORE HERE

‘We Have No Idea How They Did This’: Chinese Missile Reportedly Circles the Globe Before Dropping on Target, Surprise Shocks the World:

A new, advanced Chinese weapon has caught the U.S. flat-footed, according to a new report.

In August, China tested a hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that left one source saying, “We have no idea how they did this,” according to the Financial Times, which did not disclose the names of its sources.

The test went like this: China launched a rocket carrying what is known as a hypersonic glide vehicle. The missile circled the earth in a low orbit toward its target, which it missed by roughly 25 miles.

Hypersonic vehicles travel at Mach 5 or faster.

The report from the Financial Times said the test reveals China “was far more advanced than U.S. officials realized. The test has raised new questions about why the U.S. often underestimated China’s military modernization.”

The test came weeks before Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall warned that China now had the “potential for global strikes . . . from space.” —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

+++++U.S. cutting nuclear warhead stockpile despite major China, Russia buildups+++++

China says new hypersonic missile a blow to US ‘strategic superiority’

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