Jesus' Coming Back

Pompeo: Xi Jinping Knows Joe Biden Not Defending America’s Interests

Tuesday on FNC’s “The Ingraham Angle,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned President Joe Biden was revealing to the Chinese that the Biden administration was not enacting policy that was not necessarily in the best interest of the United States.

Pompeo told host Laura Ingraham warned Chinese President Xi Jinping was aware of this and was using it to his advantage.

“I think [Xi Jinping] believes that he will be sitting across the table from a leader who will not defend America’s interest, not provide a clear articulation of America being first and foremost in his policy vision,” he said. “I think he thinks he is sitting across from a leader who he can roll and get a deal that will make a lot better outcome for the Chinese Communist Party, a worse outcome for the American people, frankly a worse outcome for most the Chinese people as well, but certainly one that’s not in America’s best security interest. I think that’s the reason he wants to sit across the table from President Biden, so he can cut a fat deal for his own team.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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