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Biden Admin’s New Immigration Policy Makes Things Harder for Agents, Easier for ILLEGALS; Biden Administration Expands No-Go Zones Where ICE Can’t Arrest ILLEGALS

Biden Admin’s New Immigration Policy Makes Things Harder for Agents, Easier for Illegal Aliens:

The Department of Homeland Security will not allow immigration agents to apprehend illegal immigrants where “essential” activities or services happen, the agency announced on Wednesday.

Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are prohibited from apprehending illegal immigrants around “places where children gather, disaster or emergency relief sites and social services establishments,” according to the new directive.

The guidance also applies to religious facilities, public events — like parades or demonstrations — and medical treatment facilities.

“In our pursuit of justice, including in the execution of our enforcement responsibilities, we impact people’s lives and advance our country’s well-being in the most fundamental ways,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement.

“As a result, when conducting an enforcement action, ICE and CBP agents and officers must first examine and consider the impact of where actions might possibly take place, their effect on people, and broader societal interests.” —>READ MORE HERE

Biden administration expands no-go zones where ICE can’t arrest illegal immigrants:

The Department of Homeland Security has expanded its list of locations off-limits for enforcement to include anywhere near graveyards, community organization offices and any area where children “gather” — effectively blocking officers from making arrests across many urban areas.

The rules, issued Wednesday, are designed to give illegal immigrants and others associated with them access to essential services without fear of arrest, said Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

“This principle is fundamental,” Mr. Mayorkas said in a memo. “We can accomplish our enforcement mission without denying or limiting individuals’ access to needed medical care, children access to their schools, the displaced access to food and shelter, people of faith access to their places of worship, and more.”

The rules bind U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which makes arrests in the interior of the country, and the Border Patrol, which works along the nation’s boundaries.

ICE has always had a “sensitive locations” policy that puts churches, hospitals and schools off-limits for arrests, but the latest policy turns them into “protected areas” and adds massive sanctuaries where immigration agents and enforcement officers are told to stay out. —>READ MORE HERE

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