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Biden Sent 70 Secret Night Flights of Migrants from Border to Florida; Gov. DeSantis Wants Action on Undocumented Immigrant ‘dumping’ After Jacksonville Killing, and related stories

Biden Sent 70 Secret Night flights of migrants from border to Florida:

More than 70 flights transporting migrants from the southern border to Jacksonville have landed in the dark of night in recent months as the Biden administration struggles to empty overflowing border facilities, the office of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.

It is the first time the state of Florida has disclosed the number of confirmed flights arriving in the state since the summer. The governor’s office has scrambled in recent weeks to uncover who is facilitating the mystery flights landing in northern Florida daily, but the Biden administration has refused to disclose any information, one official said.

“Over 70 air charter flights [on] jetliner airliners coming from the southwest border have landed at Jacksonville International Airport,” said Larry Keefe, DeSantis’s public safety czar. “On average, there’s 36 passengers on each of these flights. And that has been going on over the course of the summer through September.” —>READ MORE HERE

Gov. DeSantis wants action on undocumented immigrant ‘dumping’ after Jacksonville killing

A Jacksonville murder drives DeSantis to take action.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has condemned a Jacksonville slaying and urged legislative action to stop the “reckless and wrong” policies that allowed the man suspected in the killing into the country.

“He should have never been in this country, to begin with. And definitely should not have been dumped in the state of Florida,” DeSantis thundered in Jacksonville Thursday.

A 24-year old Honduran immigrant, Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, was arrested Oct. 13 in the death of 46-year-old Francisco Javier Cuellar, according to First Coast News. He intially told authorities he was a minor. The New York Post reported that Medina Ulloa posed as an unaccompanied minor when he crossed the Texas border illegally months earlier.

While it is unclear if Ulloa got into the country via one of the Joe Biden administration policies that moved undocumented minors in recent weeks, the Governor is taking no chances, connecting the practice with the Jacksonville killing.

“What the Biden administration is doing, they’re flying in people who came illegally, dumping a lot in Jacksonville in the middle of the night. And there was an individual who had posed as a 17-year-old, actually was in the mid-twenties, brought here, had been here, ended up committing a murder,” DeSantis said. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Congressman Daniel Webster wants information on secret flights of illegal immigrants into Florida

Florida gov says Biden admin has landed dozens of secret flights carrying illegal migrants into the state

Florida government says Biden operators unload dozens of secret flights transporting illegal immigrants to the state

Gov. DeSantis draws attention to Jacksonville murder case involving migrant

Trust Index: Are migrants flying into Jacksonville in the middle of the night?

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