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White House’s Border Policies Bring Death and Misery; Border Patrol Migrant Got-Away Count Reaches 75K in 47 Days; Border Patrol Agents Encounter Nearly 2,000 Migrants in One Day, Hundreds Get Through; Yet Another Huge Caravan on the Way, and related stories

White House’s Border Policies Bring Death and Misery:

In the middle of heated political battles in Washington, D.C., it can become easy to forget the real, human toll that America’s porous border takes on United States citizens. The family of Francisco Javier Cuellar, however, is unlikely to ever forget.

The 46-year-old Cuellar was killed in Jacksonville, Florida, last month, allegedly murdered by an illegal alien from Honduras.

The alleged assailant, 24-year-old Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, was released into the country several months ago after lying to border authorities about his age. Ulloa reportedly told border authorities that he was a 17-year-old named Reynel Alexander Hernandez. Ulloa was released into the country, and was given a notice to appear in court.

After entering the country illegally, Ulloa was taken in by Cuellar, and was given a job at the family business before allegedly murdering Cuellar. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detained Ulloa on Oct. 13, days after he was found covered in blood following the alleged murder. On the surface, Cuellar’s death seemed to have been entirely preventable.

We don’t know how Ulloa got from the Texas border to Florida, but we do know that the Biden administration has been flying illegal aliens to states across the country, including Florida.

State and local officials have warned the Biden administration that its anti-border policies pose a grave danger to the security of their state, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, blamed the administration’s secretive flights for Cuellar’s tragic death. —>READ MORE HERE

EXCLUSIVE: Border Patrol Migrant Got-Away Count Reaches 75K in 47 Days:

A law enforcement source within Customs and Border Protection revealed the number of migrants escaping apprehension reached 75,000 in Fiscal Year 2022, which began in October. The source says between 1,800 and 2,000 migrants are managing to elude apprehension daily along the southwest border.

On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) questioned Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about the issue. In a tense exchange, Mayorkas failed to provide the number.

Sen. Cruz: Now, you told another Senator, you don’t know how many ‘got-aways’ there have been?

Sec. Mayorkas: I will have to circle back, Senator, with that information.”

Cruz: So, that wasn’t a fact that you thought was relevant to this hearing?

Mayorkas: Oh, it is absolutely relevant. I understand why the question is posed. It’s a fact of great—

Cruz: But you’re not prepared to answer it. How about this — how many deaths? How many illegal aliens have died crossing illegally into the United States under Joe Biden’s Administration?

Mayorkas: I don’t have that data.

The known got-away count is updated daily by the Border Patrol, according to the source. The data is entered into a system of record easily accessible to agency leaders. —>READ MORE HERE

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