Jesus' Coming Back

Most Millennials Say They Are Dissatisfied with Their Personal Relationships, Study Finds

According to new research from the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, Millennials are more likely to struggle with interpersonal relationships than members of previous generations.

The study, Millennials in America: New Insights into the Generation of Growing Influence, was conducted online among a national sample of 600 millennials (ages 18 to 37). It found that most members of the Millennial generation are dissatisfied with their personal relationships. The study showed that millennials tend to evade conflict and find it difficult to trust others when it comes to relationships.

The research also found that most Millennials (54 percent) admitted to having frequent anxiety, depression, or fear. Further, millennials reported feeling overwhelmed with self-doubt and strongly desiring to be part of a community that “knows, appreciates, and respects” them.

Additional obstacles contributing to relational dissatisfaction among Millennials include the “influence of their dysfunctional family of origin, unrealistic relational standards, inadequate communication skills and efforts and identity issues,” the report found.

The study further showed that Millennials are less likely than other adults to believe they should respect or see that human life is valuable.

Members of the Millennial generation are also reportedly three times more likely than older adults to say they try to get even with other people who wrong them.

Regarding marriage, fewer millennials are getting married, and many tend to opt for cohabitation instead. For those who do get married, which is now happening later in life, more millennials want a prenuptial agreement. The report found that among Millennials, there are “fewer faith-based weddings, fewer young couples having children,” and more female millennials having children outside of marriage.

On matters of trust, millennials tend to trust their parents more than their friends. About 46 percent said they “always or almost always” trust their parents, whereas just 36 percent said the same about their friends.

According to veteran researcher Dr. George Barna, Millennials struggle relationally because of their worldview, which has to do more with worldly philosophies than the Bible.

“So much of a person’s life experience and fulfillment is wrapped up in our relationships.

Millennials desperately want to be in community, but they are having a hard time developing those deeper, positive connections largely due to their ideas about life and humanity,” Barna, who authored the survey, explained.

“Millennials do not see people the way God does,” he noted. “Most of them do not consider human life to have intrinsic value. They feel no obligation to respect people because they do not even believe they were created by God, much less made in His likeness or for His purposes. They are less tolerant of beliefs and behaviors that differ from their own than are older adults.”

“They often seek relationships on their unyielding terms, but that strategy is untenable,” he added.

Barna went on to say that holding a biblical worldview is helpful in establishing healthy relationships.

“Based on more than 2,000 years of testimonies, we know the adoption of the biblical worldview enables us to experience the power, authority and wisdom to live life to the fullest,” he asserted.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Fizkes

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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