Jesus' Coming Back

Pelosi Staffer Mask Shames Republicans Hours Before Boss Spotted Maskless At Event

Earlier this evening, Breitbart News obtained photos of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi going maskless at a crowded event in DC, in violation of the venue’s instructions, President Biden’s guidelines, and, according to a tweet just a few hours before the event, the opinions of her own staffers.

Just under three hours before Breitbart News published the Pelosi photos, the Speaker’s deputy communications director, Robyn Patterson mocked Republicans for their opposition to masking requirements and mask mandates.

“Now that Omicron has emerged, I wonder if any Republican Hill staffers regret embracing anti-mask sentiment as a personality trait,” said Patterson.

Hours later, Breitbart News published exclusive photos showing Patterson’s boss, speaker Pelosi, going maskless inside a packed event.

Reactions to the photos from Republicans on Capitol Hill came in quickly after the story was published.

“Rules for me but not for thee,” said Steve Guest, a special advisor to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

“Can’t make this stuff up,” said National Republican Congressional Committee communications director Michael McAdams

“Biden yesterday vs Pelosi tonight,” said NRCC deputy comms director Mike Berg, drawing attention to Joe Biden’s advice to Americans, issued yesterday, to remain masked indoors.

Christina Pushaw, a staffer for Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who has managed to keep COVID-19 case numbers low without draconian mask requirements, said politicians who pushed widely-disliked mask mandates were taking the public for fools.

“If you tell your neighbor there are landmines under your lawn, and he sees you dancing on your lawn the next day, he won’t call you a hypocrite — he will call you a liar,” said Pushaw. “That’s how I see politicians who push mask mandates. They take you for a fool.”

While Democrat politicians have pushed mask mandates across the country, Republican states like Texas and Florida have taken a more relaxed approach, with little resulting difference in case numbers.

Patterson has not replied to a detailed request for comment from Breitbart News, including a series of questions about whether or not she still has confidence in Pelosi’s leadership, plans to continue working for Pelosi now that her boss has been exposed as a serial mask policy violator, and why anyone should believe anything Patterson ever says ever again about the pandemic or anything else for that matter.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.


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