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Biden Abolishes 90 Percent of ICE’s Deportations; DHS Embellished Record to Justify New Limits on Deportations

Joe Biden Abolishes 90 Percent of ICE’s Deportations:

President Joe Biden has slashed the deportation of illegal migrants from 25 cities by roughly 90 percent, so helping business groups with a flood of desperate, low-wage workers.

Biden’s business giveaway was revealed by the Center for Immigration Studies, which also showed that Biden’s deputies have reduced by two-thirds the deportation of criminal migrants who threaten Americans and the nation’s growing population of illegal migrants.

Only 18,713 illegals were formally “removed” — deported — from 25 interior cities, such as Atlanta, Baltimore, and Miami, from January to July in 2021, according to the data from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. The 2021 removal number includes only 6,000 migrants convicted of serious crimes, such as MS-13 migrants.

In 2019, under Trump, 186,019 migrants were removed from the 25 cities, including 17,553 migrants convicted of serious crimes. Amid the Trump enforcement, employers were forced to raise wages, especially for lower-income Americans.

In 2020, despite the coronavirus crash, Trump’s deputies removed 93,247 migrants from the cities, including 13,120 migrants convicted of serious crimes.

In 2021, the 25-cities’ deportation rate has dropped to roughly 3,000 per month since the Senate’s confirmation of Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s appointee to run the Department of Homeland Security. —>READ MORE HERE

DHS embellished record to justify new limits on deportations:

The Homeland Security Department, battling to defend its rules limiting arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants, submitted documents to a federal court that misrepresented the involvement of sheriffs’ offices and victim advocates.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and other senior department leaders consulted heavily with immigrant rights groups in crafting the rules. They said in filings with a federal judge that they also consulted with sheriffs and with one group that represents victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Those involved vehemently dispute that account.

“How about none?” said Don Rosenberg, president of Advocates for Victims of Illegal Alien Crime. “Did they ever contact us and say, ‘We want to talk to you about our policy and how we’re going to do this?’ Absolutely, 100% no.”

The type of outreach Mr. Mayorkas and his aides conducted is more than a matter of record-keeping. The government told a federal court that information the secretary gathered from meetings helped him form the decisions he detailed in a Sept. 30 memo about which immigrants can be targets for arrest and deportation.

Those rules are already the subjects of legal battles. Opponents say they were written in violation of regulatory procedures.

If he embellished input from pro-enforcement groups, as they charge, that could be used as evidence that Mr. Mayorkas’ decisions were arbitrary.

Under the guidelines, which took effect last week, immigration enforcement agencies must ignore the status of most illegal immigrants who reached the U.S. before late 2020. —>READ MORE HERE

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