Jesus' Coming Back

The ‘Islamophobia’ Canard Returns

The spat between Representatives Lauren Boebert and Ilhan Omar prompts the House to tackle a nonexistent problem.

NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE W e really are living through one of the stupider eras in American history.

Representative Lauren Boebert is a clown show. Representative Ilhan Omar is an anti-Semitic hard-leftist and Islamist apologist. Nevertheless, the people of their districts, in Colorado and Minnesota, respectively, have seen fit to elect them to the House of Representatives.

Boebert jokingly refers to Omar — who is a self-professed member of “the squad” of AOC progressives — as a member of the “jihad squad.” In some of her stand-up routines, moreover, Boebert has repeatedly told an apocryphal story about how she saw Omar mistaken for a terrorist on an …

National Review

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