Jesus' Coming Back
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Joe Biden Announces List of All 2021 Accomplishments

President Joe Biden on Saturday announced a list of his 2021 accomplishments amid 40-year high inflation, the southern border and supply chain crises, and Americans stranded in Afghanistan. 1.) Biden first touted vaccine distribution.…

Poll: 50 Point Drop for Biden Among Young People

President Joe Biden has experienced a tremendous drop in support among the younger demographic — those under the age of 30 — since taking office, a YouGov/Economist survey found. According to the Economist’s analysis of the…

Netherlands imposes hard lockdown

Bars, cafes, and all but the most essential stores will close in the Netherlands until mid-January, as the Netherlands goes into hard lockdown in a bid to slow the spread of the Omicron variant. Read Full Article at

US hypersonic weapon test fails third time in a row

The US military didn’t succeed in conducting a test of a hypersonic missile prototype, with the munition failing to decouple from its carrier aircraft. This is the third failure in a row for the US ARRW hypersonic weapon program. Read…

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