Anthony Fauci: Coronavirus Will Infect ‘Just About Everybody’ Despite Biden’s Promises

Dr. Anthony Fauci proclaimed Tuesday that coronavirus will infect “just about everybody,” despite President Biden’s promise in July that vaccines would prevent infection.
“Just about everybody” regardless of vaccination status will become infected with coronavirus, Fauci told the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
Fauci’s comments come as Biden promised during the summer that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”
As coronavirus hospitalization reached an all-time high Tuesday, it is not the first time Biden made a promise he could not keep:
Beginning in August 2021, Biden began changing his rhetoric from defeating or beating coronavirus to controlling it.
On August 3, 2021, Biden said the U.S. could “control this virus.”
“And the democracies of the world are looking to America to lead again — in two ways. First, to demonstrate we can control this virus at home,” Biden said during remarks on fighting the virus.
On August 6, 2021, Biden said the U.S. could “beat the delta variant, just as we beat the original COVID-19.”
“America can beat the Delta variant, just as we beat the original COVID-19. We can do this,” Biden said.
On September 24, 2021, Biden said the tools existed to “beat COVID.”
“Good morning, everyone. As I’ve said before, we have the tools to beat COVID — COVID-19 — if we come together as a country and use the tools we have,” Biden again claimed on September 24.
NBC News: The U.S. has exceeded 62 million COVID cases since the start of the pandemic.
One million new cases in 24 hours. @NBCNews
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) January 12, 2022
On September 22, 2021, Biden said at his global coronavirus summit, “Nothing is more urgent than all of us working together to defeat COVID-19. … As I said yesterday at the United Nations, nothing is more urgent than all of us working together to defeat COVID-19.”
On September 16, 2021, Biden claimed his top priority as president was “getting COVID under control.”
“That’s why I’ve made getting COVID under control my top priority from my first day as President,” Biden said during remarks about inflation in Washington, DC.
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