Jesus' Coming Back

The Democrats’ Long-Term Strategy to Pack the Supreme Court

Gutting the filibuster, with an eye toward expanding and controlling SCOTUS, is becoming a litmus test for Democratic candidates.

NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE M any political observers were mystified by President Biden’s incendiary remarks in Atlanta on voting rights. The No. 2 Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin of Illinois, admitted that Biden “went a little too far.” David Axelrod, President Obama’s senior adviser when Biden was Obama’s vice president, said comparing opponents to segregationists wasn’t “useful” and the issues involved “shouldn’t be obscured by hyperbolic rhetoric.” Even MSNBC’s Al Sharpton called Biden’s blowup a “You’re going to hell” speech rather than one designed to build support.

Biden — or his senior staff — must have known before the speech that the “voting rights” bill was already

National Review

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