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HE’S A LEGEND IN HIS OWN MIND: Biden Says He Exceeded Expectations in first Year, Vows to Stay the Course; Poll: 60% Deem Joe Biden’s First Year in Office ‘Unsuccessful’; Poll: Job approval 33%; Poll: Economic Ratings Worse Than Jimmy Carter’s In 1977

Biden says he exceeded expectations in first year, vows to stay the course:

President Biden marked his first year in office Wednesday by saying his administration still needs to get inflation and COVID-19 under control, but boasted that he made “enormous progress.”

Facing embarrassing losses in Congress this week and rising frustration over the pandemic, Mr. Biden vowed to “stay on this track.”

“I didn’t overpromise,” Mr. Biden said at a rare news conference in the East Room of the White House. “But I have, probably, outperformed what anybody thought [would’ve] happened.”

The president acknowledged “a lot of frustration and fatigue in this country,” and ha blamed the surge of the new omicron variant of COVID-19.

“For many of us, it’s been too much to bear,” Mr. Biden said.

On inflation, which has hit a 40-year high of 7%, the president put most of the onus on the Federal Reserve to bring rising prices under control. —>READ MORE HERE

Poll: 60% Deem Joe Biden’s First Year in Office ‘Unsuccessful’:

Most Americans rate President Joe Biden’s first year in office “unsuccessful,” a Rasmussen Reports survey released Wednesday revealed.

The survey asked respondents to gauge Biden’s first year, asking, “How successful has Biden’s first year in office been?”

Overall, 60 percent deemed Biden’s first year in office “unsuccessful,” and of those, 50 percent say his first year was “very” unsuccessful.

Notably, 84 percent of Republicans said Biden’s first year was unsuccessful, and 69 percent of independents hold that same sentiment. A majority of Democrats, 68 percent, deemed Biden’s first year a success.

The survey also asked respondents if America has become “more united or more divided” since Biden became president — a major theme in Biden’s inaugural speech.

A majority, 57 percent, say the country has become “more divided,” while 30 percent say it has “remained about the same.” Just 12 percent say it has become “more united” since he took office. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to relevant/related stories:

+++++Biden job approval rating drops to 33% in new poll+++++

+++++POLL: Biden’s Economic Ratings Are So Bad They’re Worse Than Jimmy Carter’s In 1977+++++

‘Weak’ Joe Biden gets ‘F’ grade from 37% of Americans, poll shows

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