Jesus' Coming Back

Afghan Evacuee Convicted of Molesting Child at Marine Refugee Camp; Says it’s Allowed in His Culture (Isn’t He Supposed to Assimilate OR ARE WE?); ALMOST NONE of the 82,000 Afghans Airlifted From Kabul in August Were Vetted Before Coming to the U.S.

Afghan evacuee convicted of molesting child at Marine refugee camp:

An Afghan refugee who worked alongside US troops and escaped the Taliban was convicted of molesting a 3-year-old girl at a Marine Corps refugee camp in Quantico, Va., the Department of Justice announced.

Mohammed Tariq, 24, was found guilty on Friday of sexually assaulting the 3-year-old refugee last September while the two were housed at Camp Upshur, a refugee camp for Afghan evacuees located within the Virginia military base, prosecutors from the Eastern District of Virginia said Monday.

Tariq, who was not related to the child, was seen by a pair of Marines kissing the child around her face and neck and then touching her chest, genitals and buttocks over her clothing, court records show.

When the child tried to pull away, Tariq grabbed her and continued molesting her and then later told police that he didn’t do anything wrong because the actions were “part of his culture,” records show. ––>READ MORE HERE

Virginia: Afghan Convicted of Sexually Assaulting 3-Year-Old Girl, Says it’s Allowed in His Culture:

In what is likely to become a recurring news story over the next few years, an Afghan refugee known only as Tariq (many Afghans use only one name) was convicted on Monday of the sexual assault of a three-year-old girl at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia, where he had been brought by Americans anxious to give him a new lease on life in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. For his part, Tariq explained that what he did was perfectly acceptable back in Afghanistan, a guileless and accurate statement that portends more trouble to come from the Afghan evacuees that Biden’s handlers are busy resettling now in American communities.

Associated Press reported that Tariq “was arrested in September at Camp Upshur in Quantico after Marines observed him fondling the girl, who was not related to him, above her clothes on her private parts.” Since there were witnesses, the conviction was not hard to obtain, but Tariq was surprised that anyone would object: “According to court papers, Tariq tried to explain through interpreters that his conduct was acceptable in his culture.” His defense team, apparently aware of the explosive implications of this claim, tried to have this telling detail thrown out of the record, but “efforts to have his statements suppressed were rejected by the judge.”

Tariq and many others like him didn’t leave Afghanistan very long ago, so it is understandable that some of the newly arrived Afghan evacuees would be acting as if they were still there. But this incident, and especially Tariq’s ingenuous admission, once again spotlight the fact that to bring in large numbers of people with a radically different culture and sharply divergent standards of behavior is unwise and is only going to mean strife in America’s future. —>READ MORE HERE

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+++++ALMOST NONE of the 82,000 Afghans Airlifted From Kabul in August Were Vetted Before Coming to the US: Until something goes wrong, just keep celebrating diversity!+++++   

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