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DHS Encountered a Record 2 Million Illegal Immigrants on Southern Border in 2021; Biden’s Border Circus Surpassed 2 Million Arrests In 2021 — And He’s Going For A Second Record-Breaking Year, and related stories

Two million stopped while illegally entering US from Mexico in 2021:

More than 2 million migrants were stopped while attempting to enter the United States from Mexico illegally in 2021, an astronomical figure resulting from the Biden administration’s easing of border policies and collapsed economies in Latin America due to the pandemic.

A total of 2,033,863 foreigners were detected attempting to cross into the U.S. between ports of entry along the 2,000-mile southern border or were denied admission at the inspection booths, including 178,840 in December, according to data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Monday.

Illegal immigration at the southern border has soared since shortly after President Joe Biden moved into the White House one year ago this week and is taking place at a faster rate in the first 10 months of Biden’s tenure than during any time in the Border Patrol’s 98-year history. Biden took office and immediately halted deportations for 100 days, suspended border wall construction, and vowed to rescind initiatives that turned away asylum-seekers at the nation’s borders — moves that sent a signal to the world that likely prompted many to travel to the U.S. In addition, the pandemic has had the harshest economic effect on Latin American nations, leading more people to flee to the U.S.

At the start of his presidency, Biden opted not to return unaccompanied children back across the border under a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation that was imposed at the start of the coronavirus pandemic so as to avoid filling immigration facilities with people. Mexican states also began refusing to accept returns of many families back south of the border, forcing the U.S. to either detain them amid removal proceedings or release them into the country. —>READ MORE HERE

Biden’s Border Circus Surpassed 2 Million Arrests In 2021 — And He’s Going For A Second Record-Breaking Year:

Just because the corporate media and White House are ignoring President Joe Biden’s border circus doesn’t mean the crisis has disappeared. In fact, problems stemming from the southern U.S. border are only growing as the Biden administration turns a blind eye to its open border failures.

From the time Biden assumed office in January of 2021 to the end of the year, more than 2 million arrests were made as illegal aliens found their way across the border, often aided and funded by the United Nations. In December alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended a record-breaking 178,840 illegal aliens at the southern border, marking another gloomy beginning to the second year of Biden’s presidency. Already, CBP numbers indicate that apprehension on the U.S.-Mexico border in the 2022 fiscal year will exceed 2 million.

Despite these alarming numbers, the Biden administration is shrugging off the crisis and the effect it is having on states.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who is supposed to represent the voice of the president, didn’t have answers for Fox News reporter Peter Doocy this week when he noted that many of the illegal aliens who are apprehended at the border are then released “unsupervised” into the U.S. and don’t report to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices despite being instructed to do so. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below ro related stories:

Border Apprehensions Reach 2 Million in Joe Biden’s First Year in Office

DHS encountered a record 2 million illegal immigrants on southern border in 2021

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