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Lincoln Project Releases Trump 2024 Campaign Ad

In a hilarious, accidental promotional video for the Trump 2024 campaign, the Lincoln Project showed its talents extend beyond staging fake racism and getting in trouble for sexual harassment.

After the Biden administration announced a raid on an ISIS operative during which the terrorist set off a suicide bomb, killing himself and numerous women and children including members of his own family, the Lincoln Project made a video showing Biden’s announcement of the raid side-by-side with clips of former President Donald Trump making an announcement of a similar nature.

What is apparently lost on the oblivious LP team that mocked up the video, however, is that sane people watching will likely walk away thinking: “Gosh, I miss him.”

Biden’s announcement is rambly and full of insincere politicianese, compounded by the fact that the president has demonstrated on numerous occasions that he often doesn’t know what he’s saying.

And don’t forget that when Biden’s Pentagon touted a drone strike in August that supposedly killed a “high profile” ISIS-K operative, it was later forced to admit that actually, the strike not only didn’t kill its target but also killed at least 10 civilians, seven of whom were children.

Biden’s bland, detached tone of voice in the clip doesn’t keep his praise of brave military troops from being well deserved. But after all the blathering nonsense the bureaucrats from Biden’s White House to his Education Department to his CDC have shoved in our ears, hearing Biden speak is like hearing him beg you to tune him out.

Next to that, Trump’s blunt manner is refreshing. “I got to watch much of [the raid],” he says in the first clip. “They did a lot of shooting, and they did a lot of blasting.”

“Even not going through the front door,” he continues. “You know, you would think you go through the door. If you’re a normal person, you say, ‘Knock, knock, may I come in?’”

“Our K9, as they call — I call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog — was injured. They brought body parts back with them etc., etc., there wasn’t much left,” he concludes.

It’s not a dainty or pretty description, but neither are the tasks we ask our troops to perform. What Trump does convey in the clip is frank, we-got-the-bad-guy-and-we’re-happy-to-do-it-again bravado. He doesn’t sound like he’s reading a script written by someone who’s been in the White House basement for 20 years.

One of the reasons Trump resonated with voters, of course, was his ability to cut through the bureaucratic speech and attitudes of career politicians. Watch the video through to the end, and you’ll almost certainly remember more of Trump’s words than Biden’s, despite the surplus of the latter.

But the Lincoln Project missed its own joke, which is what makes the video (which has now amassed more than 1 million views on Twitter) so good. In the meantime, their audience will get a friendly reminder of how nice it was to have someone in the Oval Office who knew what year it was and was aware, in fact, of who was actually the president.

Elle Reynolds is an assistant editor at The Federalist, and received her B.A. in government from Patrick Henry College with a minor in journalism. You can follow her work on Twitter at @_etreynolds.

The Federalist

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