McCarthy: Pelosi Protects China from Criticism, COVID Origin Investigations — She Doesn’t Tell Athletes Protesting U.S. to Be Quiet

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reacted to House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) telling American athletes at the 2022 Olympics not to risk upsetting China’s government by stating Pelosi doesn’t say that to athletes protesting the U.S. and after protecting China “from any investigations into the origin of COVID,” Pelosi is now protecting them from facing criticism.
McCarthy said, “To me, it’s disgusting. She doesn’t say that to any American athletes or anybody protesting in the streets. But think of what Nancy Pelosi has done. She first protected China from any investigations into the origin of COVID, more than 5.7 million people in the world have died and more than 900,000 Americans. Now, she’s trying to protect China from any American from showing any objection in China itself. We had — more than eight months we have requested a bill to move the Olympics from China. She would not even bring that up until today. … We have watched in history, 1936 and others, where very bad people would use [the] Olympics for propaganda. We’re watching that happen today. Why wouldn’t the leader inside Congress, the speaker, stand up against China knowing the millions that they have already killed, knowing what is going on in slave labor camps in China? But why are they so silent about that? And the bill that they just passed does not hold China accountable. It actually provides American taxpayer money to go to China.”
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