Jesus' Coming Back

New Bill Would Bar Tax Dollars from Funding Flights for Illegal Immigrants; Rep. Hinson Introduces Bill to Block Taxpayer Funds Being Used for Migrant Flights

New bill would bar tax dollars from funding flights for illegal immigrants:

Rep. Ashley Hinson, an Iowa Republican, introduced a bill Friday to prevent taxpayer dollars from funding flights taking migrants from the southern border into the country.

The legislation, The Stop the Betrayal Act of 2022, would forbid agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security from using federal funding to fly illegal immigrants into the country, according to a report.

The bill would not bar federal dollars from being used to deport illegal immigrants, transport unaccompanied minors to Health and Human Services locations, or assist in enforcing federal law, the report noted.

“It is infuriating that the Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants into the U.S. in the dead of night, on the taxpayers’ dime — they have zero regard for the safety of our communities,” Hinson said. “Instead of securing our border by enforcing the Remain in Mexico policy, giving border patrol agents the resources they need, and completing the wall — the administration is pursuing a ‘catch and release’ policy and secretly flying illegal immigrants into the country with no way to track to them.” —>READ MORE HERE

Rep. Hinson introduces bill to block taxpayer funds being used for migrant flights:

Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, on Friday introduced legislation to bar taxpayer money paying for migrant flights into the U.S. interior amid continued outrage about the practice from Republicans.

The Stop the Betrayal Act of 2022 would bar federal funds being used by the Department of Homeland Security, or other agencies, to transport illegal immigrants into the interior of the country.

It would still allow funding to be used for deportations and the enforcement of immigration law as well as the transport of unaccompanied children to Health and Human Services (HHS) facilities.

The bill comes in response to footage obtained by a Freedom of Information Act request by former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, which shows migrants being transported on charter flights at night from to Westchester, New York.

“It is infuriating that the Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants into the U.S. in the dead of night, on the taxpayers’ dime — they have zero regard for the safety of our communities,” Hinson said. “Instead of securing our border by enforcing the Remain in Mexico policy, giving border patrol agents the resources they need, and completing the wall — the administration is pursuing a ‘catch and release’ policy and secretly flying illegal immigrants into the country with no way to track to them.” —>READ MORE HERE

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