Jesus' Coming Back

Ted Cruz Mocks Hillary Clinton for Peddling ‘But Her Emails’ Cap: ‘This Is Just Sad’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Friday mocked failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s limited edition baseball cap referencing her emails in pink letters.

“This is just sad,” he wrote in a social media post above a vintage photo of Clinton wearing a cap with the words “But Her Emails” stitched on the front:

“Just in time for Galentine’s Day, and the news that Trump was flushing documents down White House toilets… A limited edition hat is in the @onwardtogether store now,” Clinton said in the initial post.

She appeared to reference a recent book on former President Donald Trump that claimed a White House toilet jammed after attempts to flush office papers.

“Also, another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book,” Trump said in response.

Clinton has also begun selling coffee mugs referencing her “acid-washed” email server, Breitbart News reported Monday:

As the establishment media has published opinion pieces pushing for Hillary’s return to politics, the failed presidential candidate has started raising money by selling coffee mugs that remind voters she scrubbed 33,000 emails from her tenure as Secretary of State position under then-President Barack Obama.

Hillary is selling the coffee mugs for $20. Her website notes the shipment of the mugs may be delayed for over a week – perhaps due to the current supply-chain woes occurring under the Biden administration.

During a recent interview on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends, Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel commented on rumors circulating about another Clinton presidential bid.

“I mean, how desperate are the Democrats if Hillary Clinton is the best you can do?” McDaniel said. “Let’s recycle the worst candidate we have ever had in our party’s history because Joe Biden is actually turning out to be such a bad president that we’ve got to go back to Hillary?”


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