Jesus' Coming Back

Bethel Church Launches 24/7 Prayer Campaign for Beni Johnson amid Cancer Battle

Bethel Church recently launched a 24/7 prayer campaign for Beni Johnson, the wife of senior pastor Bill Johnson, who is battling cancer.

“As many of you already know, Beni Johnson has been on a health journey of overcoming cancer. We’ve been praying consistently, and she has experienced a measure of breakthrough,” the controversial megachurch captioned a series of infographics on Instagram last week.

Beni Johnson

Bethel Church, located in Redding, California, explained that God has been leading them to ask followers of Jesus, both locally and abroad, to pray for Johnson’s full healing.

“Stand with us as we intentionally press in for victory for Beni, and sign up for a 15-minute prayer slot. Let’s see prayer happen around the world – 24 hours a day – during these coming weeks,” the post continued.

On the infographics posted to Instagram, the church asked supporters to pray for Johnson’s “complete and total victory over cancer.” It also asked followers to pray that she would be able to sleep deeply and her breathing would become stronger and more consistent.

According to The Christian Post, Pastor Dann Farrelly and other church leaders led the church in 10 minutes of prayer for Johnson during last Sunday’s service. Farrelly shared that Bill Johnson texted him saying that his wife did not sleep well the previous night and was having breathing issues.

In response, Farrelly prayed for “breath that is without problem” and “sleep that is deep and beautiful.”

“This is a serious situation. Beni’s health is a serious situation,” the pastor told the congregation.

“Listen, beloved, this is unjust that our matriarch, that Beni is being robbed of her sleep and having difficulty breathing,” he continued. “This is not as it should be.”

“We ask for those two breakthroughs to happen today,” Farrelly said. “We know she has been in a bit of a holding pattern. But we say no more to holding patterns.”

People wanting to pray for Johnson can go to the church’s website and pick a time slot during the prayer campaign over the next three weeks.

Johnson first revealed her cancer diagnosis in 2018, which she said “shocked” her.

“When this all began in March, and I walked out of the doctor’s office shocked. I asked Jesus, ‘what do I do now?’ I heard Jesus tell me, ‘just love me.’ I said, ‘I can do this.’ There has been so much peace, and at times those decisions that have to be made the peace has helped me navigate through,” Johnson said in a series of Facebook posts at the time.

After having several surgeries, it was revealed that Johnson had a mutation on her BR2 gene, which increased her risk of developing breast, ovarian and other cancers. She also had received “holistic treatments” in Spain because most of them were “not allowed in the U.S.”

Bethel church, which is best known for its music, has often been criticized for its theological positions, such as the church’s belief that it is always God’s will to heal.

The charismatic ministry made headlines in 2019 after urging the church to pray for the resurrection of a 2-year-old girl named Olive Heiligenthal. She was the daughter of one of the worship leaders of Bethel music. The young girl, however, never came back to life.


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Photo courtesy: Pixabay

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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