Jesus' Coming Back

Israel Prepares to Welcome Jews Leaving Ukraine amid Russian Threat

Israeli authorities and others are helping to prepare for thousands of Jews who may be fleeing Ukraine if Russian troops are ordered to invade Ukraine.

In a statement on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett encouraged Israelis living in Ukraine to leave as soon as possible.

The news comes as reports of thousands of Russian soldiers being stationed at the border continue. Previously, U.S. Secretary of State Atony Blinken said that a Russian invasion could happen soon.

“We’re in the window when a Russian invasion could start at any time if President Putin so decides,” he said, according to the Times of Israel. “That includes in the coming days.”

“I am calling again upon Israelis in Ukraine: come home,” he said. “Don’t take unnecessary risks. Don’t wait for a situation where you really want to come back, but it will be impossible. Be responsible for yourselves.

“Leave Ukraine as quickly as possible and come home,” he added.

According to CBN News, there are thousands of Jews in Ukraine.

“I have been in touch with the leadership of the Jewish communities in Ukraine,” said former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon. “They are confused about their future. We told them the gates of Israel are always open for every Jew to come.

“We have the law of return that allows every Jew just to walk in and welcome them. I told them, you can come, you don’t have to immigrate. You can come for just a short period of time, and we are here to support and to help you,” Danon added.

Yael Eckstein, head of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, said he recently visited Ukraine and saw the “unknown of what will be in the future there.”

“But what was very clear to me is that there’s a thriving and strong Jewish community in Ukraine that isn’t going anywhere so quickly,” he said.

Eckstein said the fellowship group he is in charge of is still “on the ground, helping them as well.”


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/John Theodor

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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