Jesus' Coming Back

California Pastor Warns that ‘Atmosphere of Deconstructionism, Anarchy’ Is Trying to ‘Change’ Truths about God

Samuel Rodriguez, the pastor of New Season Worship in Sacramento, California, told his congregation in his most recent sermon that there are “powerful forces” creating an “atmosphere of deconstructionism, anarchy, chaos and relativism” that is trying to “change” the truths about God.

“We live in a world where influencers, politicians, sports figures, government officials truly believe – driven by the real culprit, the enemy of light – that they have the power to wake up in the morning and make radical changes,” Rodriguez said.

“Very powerful forces believe … that they have the power and authority to change whatever they want, even the truths, definitions, institutions and realities ordained, anointed and established by God almighty.”

According to The Christian Post, Rodriguez warned that the “powerful forces” may try to stop the spread of the Gospel, but they cannot change the truth of Jesus Christ. He also warned against deconstructionism, which is the process of questioning and possibly rejecting some truths of Christianity.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,” the pastor said. “Hebrews 13:8, what does that mean? I don’t care what force, what government authority, I don’t care, emerges saying, ‘We no longer believe that is real, we no longer believe that is true.’ Jesus never changes.”

“You can’t change Jesus,” he added. “You don’t have the power to change what Jesus did on the cross. You can’t change the shedding of the blood. You can’t change the fact that the tomb is still empty. You can’t change the fact that the Holy Spirit is still moving upon the face of the earth. You can’t change the Father, you can’t change the Son, and you cannot change the Holy Spirit.”

Rodriguez also called on pastors to “stand up on Sunday mornings and preach the truth.”

“Seasons may change, but God never changes. Technology may change, but God never changes. Ideologies and social constructs may change, but God never changes. The occupant of the White House may change, but God never changes. Relationships may change, but God never changes,” Rodriguez asserted.


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Brian A. Jackson

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and She blogs at The Migraine Runner.


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